Quick Thought

I had a quick thought while driving my car today.

New recent cars come with features that mine doesn’t, which I like, so far.  One of the new features in question in my thoughts today was the feature that ensures the vehicle stays between the lines of the road.

Since the onboard computer knows when to enable this feature while you are driving and give you a warning it must also know when you are changing lanes.  I think this could be a way to eliminate all of those lazy-ass people who do not use their signals when changing lanes or turning that everyone else gets so frustrated with, driving behind. 

Since additionally, lots of new cars are “connected” to the internet, why couldn’t there be a simple audible statement made indicating that because they didn’t use their signal, thus making an illegal lane change, that the alotted demerit points have been acrued.

In the movie The 5th Element, we see Bruce Willis driving his flying Taxi and when Leeloo falls in to his cab, the voice assistent in the cab automatically informs him that he has “XX amount of demerit points left…” after losing a few more for an aparent accident. LOL

This movie is science fiction but people, this could be a reality here!!!  Now!!

Imagine if you will, Shit-ass driver Bill is driving down the road, and as has been seen by most of us i’m sure, Bill just kinda drifts across a few lanes to eventually end up in the left-turn lane, without any hint of a signal being put on.  The automatic assistent in his vehicle would simply detect that this happened (changing lanes, signal switch is on or off) and if their signal was NOT on, simply contact the local DMV, remove a few demerit points from his drivers license for this infraction and of course inform him of this.

To expand on to the next logical step in this whole process, when Bill runs out of demerit points as most drivers like him will, the Police are contacted and again the car relays exact GPS location information to the Police so that he can be arrested for driving with an invalid license.  His car impounded and i’m sure a very expensive fine levied against him.

I think this sounds perfect for getting those kind of jackasses off the road.  All the pieces are available now, there just needs to be a way to put all of the necessary pieces together. Come on everyone, we can do this!

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